Hydroalcoholic hand product according to WHO recipe

Easy to make yourself

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DIY hydroalcoholic hand solution products (WHO recipe) 

Production guide for 1 l of hydro-alcoholic product

Recommended quantities for each component and material

833 mlEthanol 96%
42 ml
Oxygenated water (3% hydrogen peroxide)
16 ml if hydrogen peroxide @ 8%
15 mlGlycerin (glycerol)
Add to reach 1LDistilled water or cooled boiled water
1Graduated container (1 liter min) or 1 resealable bottle
1 or moreDispensing bottle(s) to hold 1 liter in total
1Spatula capable of scraping the bottom


1. Pour the quantity of alcohol necessary for the preparation of the product into a graduated container of at least 1 liter

2. Add hydrogen peroxide

3. Add the glycerin. This being a viscous substance adhering to the walls, rinse the container with a little distilled water or cooled boiled water and pour the contents into the container used for mixing.

4. Add distilled water or cooled boiled water to the graduated mark indicating the liter.

5. Mix the preparation gently with a spatula but quickly to avoid any evaporation

6. Immediately pour into the dispensing bottles.

Reference: Local Production Guide: Formulations of hydro-alcoholic products recommended by WHO https://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/tools/system_change/guide_production_locale_produit_hydro_alcoolique.pdf?ua=1


- Remember to label your bottle

- Regarding skin reactions, rubbing hands with an alcoholic product is better tolerated than washing with soap and water. Frequent use may cause dryness and irritation.

- This product is a complement to hand washing when possible

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