Zero waste bathroom: follow me!

The complete guide and best tips to your zero waste bathroom

Our first blog post on zero waste explained the theory and its necessity. Our second one on zero waste shopping... Not read yet? Now is a good time to take a look!

In today's blog post, we will discuss tips on how to make your bathroom zero waste. And yes, between shampoo bottles, make-up remover pads, ... this little room often generates a lot of waste that can easily be avoided. Let's get straight to the heart of the matter.

Maybe it's time to rethink your natural and ethical face beauty routine? Take care of your skin without filling yous shelves with products and without taking risks is simple, possible et economical!

Refuse the superfluous

We saw in our first blog that the first step in the zero waste process was to Refuse. That applies here, of course! Who among us has never accepted samples of cosmetics or other products that are still lying around at the bottom of the drawer? This creates waste, generates new samples and takes up space in your home unnecessarily, so refusing is always easier and greener.

Favouring solids

Indeed, solid shampoos and soaps are in the air, the result is very good and it is easier to carry! A simple gesture is to exchange the plastic bottles that line the bathtub for these solid wonders. You can find them in bulk or packed in cardboard in all the shops that sell ethical products and even in pharmacies. I'm told that a blog has already been written about solid shampoos, so don't hesitate to check it out.

Another blog post on do-it-yourself deodorant is coming soon. There are also solid make-up removers, solid face washes ... with much cleaner compositions and zero waste than their mass retail counterparts.

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Natural, zero waste, efficient, economical.. An absolute panacea?

Solid shampoo: what is it, and why would you use it? We summed it up for you in our blog

Do it Yourself !

Generally speaking, for zero waste, "do it yourself" is one of the key elements! Indeed, as I just told you, deodorant can easily be made yourself but that's not all! Scrubs, masks, dry shampoos, lip balms, toothpastes ... can be made at home very easily.  The recipes include few ingredients for a quick and rewarding result.  However, be careful with the packaging of the ingredients that make up the recipes, it is not a question of creating more mounds of waste to avoid the packaging of a single product.  Slow cosmetics is not for everyone without coaching, you need to read, find out more, exchange ideas and take part in training courses before you start.

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How to make your own deodorant?

An easy, economical, ecological and effective recipe!

And for teeth ?

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There are several solutions depending on your comfort and the type of care your mouth and teeth require. Following your dentist's advice is the first step in choosing your zero waste dental hygiene solution.  For most of us, swapping the plastic brush for a wooden or bamboo toothbrush is the most economical and environmentally friendly solution. Every 2-3 months, simply break off the head or cut the bristles, head for the bin and compost the handle or use it to light the fire. There are also refillable toothbrushes with a bioplastic or wooden handle where you can replace the head and keep the handle.  If your dental hygiene requires more thorough brushing, as recommended by your dentist, the electric toothbrush is a good zero waste alternative. It is possible to find models with bioplastic or wooden heads. These alternatives still generate some waste, but much less than conventional toothbrushes. Besides, we don't recommend you stop brushing your teeth!

Why should we give up toothpaste in plastic tubes? Apart from the fact that these tubes, once empty, fill up our rubbish bin, we should do it for our health! Toothpaste contains traces of heavy metals*, such as zinc and tin, and harmful chemicals (titanium dioxide**, which may contain nanoparticles and is suspected of being carcinogenic). Finally, for the environment, as some toothpastes contain micro plastics, which are not filtered out in our sewage treatment plants and therefore end up in the environment.

There are many alternatives to "classic" toothpastes: tablets, powders and solids. Toothpaste in tablet form is very convenient, especially when travelling, you just need a little water, crunch the tablet and brush your teeth. It is very easy to carry in a handbag.

For powdered toothpaste, simply dip your moistened toothbrush into the powder. The texture can be surprising and unpleasant but it's all a matter of habit. This is the solution I like least, but it's worth testing.

For solid toothpaste, there are many sold in organic shops. This is my favourite alternative because it's easy and it lasts a long time. Some would say that the disadvantage is when you travel because you have to let it dry before putting it away, but you can just blot it with your flannel or a corner of a towel and put it in a box.  It looks like a lollipop on the end of a Popsicle stick and comes in different flavours.

You can also make your own toothpaste, but be careful with bicarbonate as it can be abrasive to enamel. In theory, all of these commercially available alternatives are not harmful to your teeth (on the contrary!). As far as activated charcoal toothpaste is concerned, see our blog and our recommendations for avoiding damage. However, don't hesitate to talk to your dentist, he or she will be the most qualified to answer your questions. 

And for toilet paper ?

There are several alternatives for toilet paper. Generally, it is packaged in plastic, but there is also  toilet paper packaged in paper, which is of course preferable. In any case, recycled paper is preferable. There are brands that make toilet paper from new wood fibres, sometimes even from primary forests... So do use recycled paper. Also, be aware that the manufacturing process can be very water-intensive. You can also use tissue toilet paper but I can understand that not everyone is ready to go that route!

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There are also water jet toilets or Japanese toilets.  Some systems can be adapted to your existing toilet, others require a complete change of the installation.  The difficulty with this type of system lies mainly in the intensity of the jet and whether it is suitable for the whole family... It is also possible to discuss the water consumption required for each use.  However, this type of installation has the merit of giving a perfect result and a refreshing sensation!

And cotton buds, make-up removal pads ? 

Until recently, commercially available Q-tips were generally made of plastic with cotton tips. These small objects are covered by the European ban on a whole range of single-use plastic objects, which has been in force since the beginning of this year 2021. The current common variants, also single-use, are bamboo or paper sticks with cotton wool or cotton tips.  Fortunately, once again, there are alternatives! There are cotton swabs that are equivalent to the usual cotton swabs but made of paper and organic cotton. There are also small bamboo sticks, called  oriculis, made of beech wood or curved stainless steel to remove what is in the ear. There is also a reusable silicone swab. Otherwise, a flannel or cotton cloth is usually sufficient to clean your ear without damaging it.

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For the "make-up remover pads" it is very simple: you can either replace them with cloth pads which have the same role as the disposable pads. You just have to apply your make-up remover on the cotton and then wash it in the washing machine. You can also take a microfiber glove that "absorbs" makeup using just water, it's magic, tested and approved (especially for someone like me who can't tolerate traditional makeup removers because they irritate my skin)! In any case, these alternatives are softer and more pleasant to use than a disposable make-up remover!

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What about Mother Nature? 

Even if you have your period every month, that doesn't mean you have to use pads and tampons that are not environmentally friendly, economical or good for your health. There are sustainable alternatives such as period pants, the cup ... we have written specific articles on this subject, feel free to have a look at them. There are also more traditional alternatives such as tampons or cloth pads which have the same role as disposables, but without generating harmful waste.

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And bathroom maintenance? 

If you are already doing all of the above things, well done! But there is one last thing that we don't think about when we talk about our zero waste bathroom, it's the cleaning! And yes, the products to clean your house are numerous and often bad for the environment and very expensive! 

The great thing about going zero waste for your cleaning products is that it's super simple, economical, healthier and saves space in your cupboards. You don't need tens of different bottles and yet your bathroom is just as clean as before! You only need a couple of products to clean, baking soda, white vinegar and Marseille soap. Since you insist, we'll talk about it in a future blog.

Not getting caught up in the marketing of cleaner, whiter, more hygienic, shinier etc. is an important step. One wonders where the imagination of those who do everything to make us use more household products will end. If you pay attention to the advertisements at the moment, you will notice the following changes in attitude: the big brands of cleaning and laundry products make fun of zero waste alternatives and use absurd arguments to demonstrate what threatens them the most: the uselessness of their products.  This is the first step towards their adaptation, as these big brands will end up offering simple, eco-friendly products in eco-friendly bottles but certainly under a clever name at an exorbitant price.  A multitude of cosmetic brands have already taken the "green" turn. It is only a matter of time and mass movement, hopefully.

To conclude...

In my opinion, every gesture counts, every waste saved is a blessing and also a message. More and more large companies and politicians are realising that mentalities are changing and therefore they have to change too... It may be just a little drop in the ocean or a grain of sand on the beach, but every single thing you do counts, has an impact and should make you proud!

However, I would advise you not to apply all of the above tips at once. That's what our zero waste series is all about: taking it one step at a time, room by room. Start by buying one or two items to get used to them and make them your routine, then another, then another. The aim is not to run a 100m sprint but rather to run a marathon.

Feel free to read our other blogs and in particular our series of articles on zero waste if you are interested: How to do my zero waste shopping? DIY of a TAWASHI sponge, A sober and coherent life by adopting a "zero waste" lifestyle, The solid shampoo: what is it? And why use it? We summarise it for you, etc.

But also on other subjects that might interest you: The secrets of the textile industry. Ever heard of life cycle assessment or LCA? And many more to learn about more sustainable living.

Take care of yourself and your planet

Titi the Elk

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Bibliographic references
* La libre, Dentifrices, gels de douche, fonds de teint, crèmes... Une revue alerte sur ces produits "toxiques", "cancérogènes" et "polluants" , URL :, consulté le 24 avril 2021

**Agir pour l’environnement, rapport d’enquête sur la présence de dioxyde de titane dans les dentifrices,URL:, consulté 24 avril 2021

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My natural and refreshing facial cleanser
In a zero-waste approach, it will replace your micellar water.