Les bienfaits de l'huile de colza bio : la clé d'une alimentation saine et équilibrée **Introduction** A la recherche d'une solution pour améliorer votre alimentation et adopter un mode de vie sain ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que l'huile de colza bio, un véritable atout pour une alim... Basic products Conservation Cooking Ecological alternatives Environment Health Huile de colza Plat unique Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Wellness
Le guide ultime des graines de chia ***Introduction* ** Vous cherchez à intégrer un ingrédient nutritif et polyvalent à votre régime alimentaire ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que les graines de chia ! Ces petites merveilles sont très bé... Basic products Bulk Cooking Ecological alternatives Environment Recipe Substitutes Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Vegan Végétarien Wellness
What is wheat gluten? ARTICLE SUMMARY ** What is wheat gluten? ** What are the advantages of wheat gluten? ** The use of wheat gluten to make seitan ** The use of wheat gluten to make homemade bread ** The use of whea... Cooking Recipe Substitutes Vegan Végétarien
Why consume cocoa... especially fair trade and organic! * *CONTENTS* * * * History of cocoa The benefits of cocoa *Choisir un cacao équitable et bio* *1. History of cocoa* The cocoa tree is the tree that produces cocoa beans, which are the sourc... Bulk Cacao Cooking Health Vegan Végétarien Wellness Zero waste
Kasha what? *What is KASHA ?* This word may not mean anything to you but actually... kasha is *buckwheat* that has been *shelled* and *roasted* ! After this "transformation" the buckwheat is called « kasha ». Ori... Cooking Substitutes
Hulled barley : What is it? Barley is a cereal that has been cultivated by man since the dawn of time (prehistory to be precise!), and in different types of climates* ; in France, Australia and Canada. The barley grain is enve... Cooking Substitutes Sustainable
Linseed oil: consumption, tips, virtues, we tell you everything! *Health: the virtues of linseed oil* Linseed oil has many virtues acting on the organism: • Has certain laxative properties and is therefore recommended in case of constipation. • Participates in cell... Cooking Cosmetic Health
Algae are the superfood of tomorrow. Spirulina and Odontella: A concentrate of proteins, Omega 3 and antioxidants Some algae have nutritional properties such that they are considered superfoods. They are found as food supplements or added to traditional dishes such as pasta. Their main qualities are their very hi... Cooking Environment Sustainable
La pisciculture durable de saumon norvégien * Introduction * * * A partir des années 60, on commence à élever des saumons pour repeupler les mers et les rivières qui subissent un déclin à cause de la pêche déjà fort intensive, qui se faisait ... Cooking Health Sustainable alternatives