Algae are the superfood of tomorrow. Spirulina and Odontella: A concentrate of proteins, Omega 3 and antioxidants

Commonalities and differences

Some algae have nutritional properties such that they are considered superfoods. They are found as food supplements or added to traditional dishes such as pasta. Their main qualities are their very high protein, omega 3 content and their antioxidant properties.

The best known are Spirulina and Odontella, which are now fairly common in organic stores and drugstores. 

What can they bring me: characteristics and qualities

Spirulina (Arthrospira Platensis) is a blue green freshwater microalgae. Known for a long time in South America, Africa, Asia (where it grows naturally in the temperate waters of lakes), it constitutes there an essential constituent of the human food.

The largest producers of spirulina (industrial) are located in India, China and the United States. This microalga has been cited by WHO (World Health Organization) and Unesco as an important 21st century food for humanity. The following qualities are often atributed to it:

  • Rich in protein (> 60% compared to 20% for lean meats) easily assimilated by the body.

  • Increased resistance of the immune system.

  • Source of iron easily assimilated by the body, fight against fatigue.

  • Significant concentration of antioxidants and vitamins, mainly A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B, B8, B9, B12 and E.

  • High concentration of trace elements, iron, iodine, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

  • Spirulina - for the best - contains few carbohydrates (18%) and very little fat (7%)

  • Significant concentration of phycocyanin (from 10 to 18% for most commercially available products, some range up to 25%!) Which gives its bluish color to spirulina: powerful antioxidant, reinforcement of immune defenses, blood oxygenation, muscle recovery after the effort. Scientific research is in progress.

Odontella Aurita is a marine microalga (unlike spirulina) of golden color. Some attribute to it the following qualities:

  • Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids from the Omega 3 family. Omega 3 / Omega 6 ratio around 8, that is to say exceptionally high.

  • This microalga is rich in pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoids) with antioxidant properties.

  • High content of organic silica which allows better fixation of calcium in the bones.

  • Source of iodine.

Make no mistake!

Spirulina : Always check the protein, vitamins and other trace elements of spirulina. It can vary greatly from one brand to another. It is recommended to check the producer's data before making a choice.

For example, protein levels can range from single to double, the vitamins up to a hundredfold or phycocyanins from single to fourfold. 

Spirulina is not a medicine, it does not cure cancer, anemia or osteoarthritis as we can sometimes read on some unscrupulous websites.

Odontella aurita is indeed a seaweed and not freshwater as some sites indicate.

For whom ?

Spirulina is 

  • Support for athletes

  • Dietary support

  • An ideal food supplement for vegetarians and vegans.

  • Aid for people in need of food (recommended by WHO / IIMSAM in programs to combat malnutrition)

Odontella aurita is recommended as a dietary supplement for diets rich in omega 3, silicon and calcium which it helps to fix

In what form ?

Spirulina is in dehydrated form in tablets, capsules, flakes or powder, to meet all needs and allow different modes of consumption (pure or in drinks or ready meals). There are also classic foods (such as pasta) enriched with spirulina.

Spirulina oxidizes in air, it is preferable to choose airtight containers, and of small capacity (with each opening, the air contained in the packaging is renewed which prolongs oxidation).

Odontella aurita comes in the form of capsules and is consumed as such.

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