Le Biochar : La clé pour une agriculture durable et une planète en bonne santé **Introduction** La clé de l'agriculture durable et d'une planète en bonne santé Dans le contexte actuel de préoccupations environnementales croissantes, l'agriculture durable est devenue une priori... Basic products Circular economy Ecological alternatives Economical Environment Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Water Zero emission Zero waste
L'art de la couture zéro déchet : Réduire les déchets, un point à la fois ***Introduction*** Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, où le développement durable n'est plus seulement un mot à la mode, la couture zéro déchet s'est imposée comme un excellent moyen de réduire les déchet... Basic products Circular economy couture Ecological alternatives Economical entretien Environment Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Wellness Zero waste gift
Les bienfaits de l'huile de colza bio : la clé d'une alimentation saine et équilibrée **Introduction** A la recherche d'une solution pour améliorer votre alimentation et adopter un mode de vie sain ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que l'huile de colza bio, un véritable atout pour une alim... Basic products Conservation Cooking Ecological alternatives Environment Health Huile de colza Plat unique Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Wellness
Le guide ultime des graines de chia ***Introduction* ** Vous cherchez à intégrer un ingrédient nutritif et polyvalent à votre régime alimentaire ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que les graines de chia ! Ces petites merveilles sont très bé... Basic products Bulk Cooking Ecological alternatives Environment Recipe Substitutes Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Vegan Végétarien Wellness
Discover the health benefits of flaxseed: A nutritional powerhouse **Introduction** Looking to improve your health and well-being? Look no further than flaxseed, a powerful food that has been revered for centuries for its many health benefits. Packed with essential... Basic products Bulk Ecological alternatives Economical Environment Health Recipe Reusable packaging Substitutes Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Vegan Végétarien Wellness Zero waste
L'incroyable pouvoir de la fibre de coco: Découvrez ses utilisations écologiques et ses bienfaits pour l'environnement **Introduction** Découvrez le pouvoir incroyable du coco : ses utilisations écologiques et ses avantages environnementaux. Le coco, une fibre naturelle provenant de la coque des noix de coco, a gagn... Circular economy Ecological alternatives Economical entretien Environment Plastic Reusable packaging Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Zero emission Zero waste Zero waste gift
Net zero: How to make sense of it * *CONTENTS* * Introduction Carbon neutrality through offsetting Mechanism, objectives and challenges of carbon allowances to reduce CO2 emissions On what basis does a company receive CO2 allowa... Environment Sustainable Zero emission
Hulled barley : What is it? Barley is a cereal that has been cultivated by man since the dawn of time (prehistory to be precise!), and in different types of climates* ; in France, Australia and Canada. The barley grain is enve... Cooking Substitutes Sustainable
Algae are the superfood of tomorrow. Spirulina and Odontella: A concentrate of proteins, Omega 3 and antioxidants Some algae have nutritional properties such that they are considered superfoods. They are found as food supplements or added to traditional dishes such as pasta. Their main qualities are their very hi... Cooking Environment Sustainable
WeForest : Mid-year report 2020 "Brazil wildlife Corridors" *What is the “Brazil Wildlife Corridors” project?* Over 20 years, Brazil’s Atlantic Forest has lost over 80% of its original forest due to unsustainable agriculture, affecting the rich biodiversity in... Sustainable
Rediscovering the soap! A wonderful adventure that I wish us all Dear reader, *Let me take you to the rediscovery of soap, its benefits and its secrets, as I did myself.* Everyone has got some but what do we know about soap except that it is used to "clean", possib... Basic products Cosmetic Sustainable Sustainable alternatives