Nutritional yeast, brewer's yeast or malted yeast D'où provient la levure maltée [1] La levure maltée et ses bienfaits [2] Riche en vitamines D et B. [3] Riche en protéines végétales.. [4] La levure maltée stimule le système immunitaire. [5] La levur... Bulk Environment Substitutes Sustainable alternatives Vegan Végétarien Zero waste
Le Biochar : La clé pour une agriculture durable et une planète en bonne santé **Introduction** La clé de l'agriculture durable et d'une planète en bonne santé Dans le contexte actuel de préoccupations environnementales croissantes, l'agriculture durable est devenue une priori... Basic products Circular economy Ecological alternatives Economical Environment Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Water Zero emission Zero waste
L'incroyable pouvoir de la fibre de coco: Découvrez ses utilisations écologiques et ses bienfaits pour l'environnement **Introduction** Découvrez le pouvoir incroyable du coco : ses utilisations écologiques et ses avantages environnementaux. Le coco, une fibre naturelle provenant de la coque des noix de coco, a gagn... Circular economy Ecological alternatives Economical entretien Environment Plastic Reusable packaging Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Zero emission Zero waste Zero waste gift
Discover the health benefits of flaxseed: A nutritional powerhouse **Introduction** Looking to improve your health and well-being? Look no further than flaxseed, a powerful food that has been revered for centuries for its many health benefits. Packed with essential... Basic products Bulk Ecological alternatives Economical Environment Health Recipe Reusable packaging Substitutes Sustainable Sustainable alternatives Vegan Végétarien Wellness Zero waste
7 ideas for reducing waste on the annual school supply list All families who start the zero-waste journey know the stress of the beginning of the school year. From the first week, we feel "attacked" by the list of school supplies to be provided for each child,... Ecological alternatives Economical Zero waste
Why consume cocoa... especially fair trade and organic! * *CONTENTS* * * * History of cocoa The benefits of cocoa *Choisir un cacao équitable et bio* *1. History of cocoa* The cocoa tree is the tree that produces cocoa beans, which are the sourc... Bulk Cacao Cooking Health Vegan Végétarien Wellness Zero waste
Reusable bags: a clear ecological alternative to plastic packaging Reusable bags are a very environmentally friendly alternative to plastic packaging, certainly for single-use bags. If this is already clear to many, how can we really be sure? To verify that this solu... Ecological alternatives Sustainable alternatives Zero waste
KissPlanet : Your bio products delivered in bulk at your home in deposit-refund packing ... Bulk Zero waste
Living without plastics *Plastic: the panacea or a plague?* Plastic is an extraordinary invention. There are a multitude of different plastics that fulfill various functions in our daily lives. Resistant, flexible or rigid a... Environment Plastic Zero waste